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Résultats de recherche
Information for students, alumni, and parents from Illinois flagship public university, a world leader in research, teaching, and public engagement.
- Colleges & Schools
Illinois has tremendous breadth and depth in academics, with...
- Admissions
With more than 450,000 living alumni, the Illinois family is...
- About
The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is charged by...
- Academics
Academics. Learn to dance from a Broadway veteran, hone your...
- Research
Illinois research pioneers new ideas, new companies, and...
- Diversity
Diversity. At Illinois, our ability to embrace diverse...
- Outreach
Outreach. Illinois was established as a land-grant...
- International
The power of Illinois can be seen across the world. Illinois...
- Colleges & Schools
L’ université de l’Illinois à Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) est le campus principal de l’ université de l’Illinois, établissement public situé dans les villes jumelles de Champaign et Urbana, à deux cents kilomètres au sud de Chicago.
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Anglais américain
- Robert Easter
- Université publique
LEADER IN CAMPUS ACCESSIBILITY. 52K STUDENTS in more than 250 programs. 14M LIBRARY VOLUMES, one of largest public university collections in the world. 3.2M ONLINE LEARNERS in massive open online courses. Home to KRANNERT CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS. Top 10. in NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION AWARDS each year.
The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is charged by our state to enhance the lives of citizens in Illinois, across the nation and around the world through our leadership in learning, discovery, engagement and economic development.
Engagée socialement et produisant des recherches vraiment innovantes, l'Université de l'Illinois à Urbana-Champaign est reconnue à l'échelle internationale, comme en témoignent ses notes élevées dans les classements.
- 601 E John Street, Champaign, 61820-57
- 2,2B
Urbana-Champaign. Panorama de l'université de l'Illinois au campus d' Urbana - Champaign. Le campus le plus important de cette université est celui situé sur l'aire métropolitaine de Champaign-Urbana : université de l'Illinois à Urbana-Champaign (UIUC).
The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC, U of I, Illinois, or University of Illinois) [11] [12] is a public land-grant research university in the Champaign–Urbana metropolitan area, Illinois, United States. It is the flagship institution of the University of Illinois system and was established in 1867.
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