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25 oct. 2011 · 2. A task that has been noted as one that must be completed, especially on a list. My to-do list has been growing longer every day. And: Noun todo (plural todos) (US) A task yet to be done; an item on a to-do list. You can use whichever you want, but be consistent.
In styles that use a serial comma, an exception is made before an ampersand, which is a display element, not a word. When an ampersand is used in a list, the serial comma is omitted because it's visually jarring. If the comma before an ampersand is needed to avoid ambiguity, the best thing to do is change the ampersand back to the word "and."
6、Any. do:学习专注的时间管理工具 在「管理」上 Any.do 没有前面的工具那么强大,但是在「聚焦」上 Any.do 则提供了许多独特设计。 像是早上的聚焦今日事件提醒,手机上聚焦下一步行动的设计,还有利用类似 Trello 看板的方式,让你分配今日、明日与之后的任务,从而专注在当下的行动。
24 juil. 2013 · Thus: do’s and don’ts; the ayes have it but the I’s don’t; the ewes are coming but the you’s are staying home. For what it is worth, Apple Style Guide (accessed 2021-02-26) also suggests do’s/don’ts format and uses it in the guidelines for UI design and for brand and photography .
17 janv. 2012 · Apart from the literal held in the hand, the other common idiomatic usage for this one is that if something is "in hand" it's being actively dealt with (by implication, really close to you), not just sitting on your "to-do" list.
I want 'below' to be used as an adjective, but I think it is not generally accepted ('bad form'), buit the position is still in question; one can have adjectives (rarely) come after the noun. But I feel that this particular 'below' is more adverbial. The M-W definition doesn't give an example and OED doesn't list an adjectival entry. The ...
21 juin 2017 · In your example, you actually have introduced a list, and each item in your list consists of a complete sentence, so the best way to present that would be as a bulleted or numbered list. Incidentally, each of the items in the bulleted list would start with a capital letter, since it's a complete sentence. When you run into the first sentence ...
19 nov. 2014 · There have been several suggestions to use "our", yet if the text refers to a group of people, all of whom own co-own houses with some others within the group*, then the above style wording would be necessary, so my question stands.
4 mai 2016 · There should be punctuation added and an "and" inserted before the final factor, thus: There were a few factors to keep in mind when going about the benefit cost analysis: 1) technologies that were going to stay, 2) those that were going to stay but be upgraded, 3) things that were going to come to the new house, 4) technology that will be taken to the new house and upgraded, and 5) things ...
18 janv. 2013 · I found where you got the statistics: the Separated by a Common Language blog.And one reason for the discrepancy with Google Ngrams is that "do you have" is rapidly gaining over "have you got" both in the US and the UK, and the British National Corpus was collected a decade or so earlier than the Corpus of Contemporary American English, and this time difference substantially increases the ...