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  1. You're "in" the office if you mean to emphasise your physical location, inside a room where one works. You're "at" the office if you are at a place of work, but not emphasising a specific room. So, "I need to have a printer in the office", but "I'm at the office, but I'll come home to see you soon."

  2. 以上这些功能可不仅仅是电脑上的Office系列软件才有,手机上也可以用。这些工作如果交给一个企业的员工来做,根据会议纪要撰写商业提案就需要大量的时间,然后还要交给领导审核和多次修改,之后的演讲PPT更是如此。但有了“Copilot”,这些工作领导自己就 ...

  3. While Americans wouldn't say "call me on this number," they do say "call me on this line," as in Call me on this line instead of the main office or Call me on my landline; I don't get cell service in my apartment. –

  4. If the office or rank is held concurrently by multiple people (e.g. judge, professor, and military ranks — although usually only for senior officers), the designation is retained for life. Once out of office, the individual reverts to whichever title or honorific applied before he or she held office, although as a courtesy, " once an Honorable, always an Honorable ."

  5. 微软为一些合格的学校提供免费的Office套件。但是如果你的学校不在免费名单上呢?或者你只是需要在Windows 和 Mac 上编辑文本文档和演示文稿呢?不要购买任何专有软件,我们先一起来看看这篇文章,了解几款免费的微软Office替代方案。 微软 Office 替代品有哪些?

  6. 方法一: 桌面右键新建或打开 Word、Excel 或 PowerPoint 中任意一个文档,例如打开 Excel,点击 “文件 > 帐户”,在“产品信息”下方查看 Office 激活状态和 Office 版本,如下图显示“产品已激活Microsoft Office Home and Student 2019”,若没有“需要激活”或“未经授权”等异常界面提示,表示您的 Office 已激活 ...

  7. 90天的 Office E5 开发者 订阅. 以及使用edu教育邮箱获取的A1和A1Plus,这些都是可以免费获得的. 首先要搞清楚这些 Office 365 的区别. 微软对付费用户没有严格的审计,而免费的容易封… 如果单纯只是为了 Office 套件,建议装个 Office 2021 LTSC 批量许可版再KMS激活就好。

  8. Federal Office of... or Federal Office for... Is there any sort of rule for this? The "problem" is that it's an ongoing debate in the Department (non-English-speaking country) on how to properly translate it into English.

  9. 2 juil. 2019 · Office365是功能最全的终极版本是微软主推的(用来赚钱的)office版本。比office2021专业增强版本多了一个云盘OneDrive,可以方便储存文件。 它不是永久的, 属于订阅的可以按月或者按年交订阅费。功能是最新的,很多新功能都会先用在office365上面。

  10. An office colleague wrote the following in an email: Kindly log a ticket for the same and assign it to the concerned team. I wrote back the following: I believe it should be "Kindly log a ticket for the same and assign it to the team concerned." Which one is correct, and why?

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