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  1. Susan George, née le 26 juillet 1950 à Londres, est une actrice britannique. Elle est surtout connue pour avoir joué dans des films tels que Les Chiens de paille (1971) avec Dustin Hoffman, Larry le dingue, Mary la garce (1974) avec Peter Fonda, et Mandingo (1975) avec Ken Norton 1.

    • britannique
    • actrice
    • Susan Melody George
  2. Susan George is an English film and television actress who starred in Straw Dogs, Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry and Mandingo. She was born in 1950, married to Simon MacCorkindale and breeds Arabian horses.

  3. Straw Dogs (1971)• Synopsis: A young American and his English wife come to rural England and face increasingly vicious local harassment.•. Director: Sam Pecki...

    • 9 min
    • 151,5K
    • No Rules Film School 🎓
  4. › name › nm0001265Susan George - IMDb

    Susan George. Actress: Straw Dogs. Her mother, Billie, was an ex chorus girl and her father was a musician who had a small part in the film Straw Dogs and she has a sister, Pam. At one time her parents owned The Court Hotel.

    • January 1, 1
    • 1.60 m
    • Surbiton, Surrey, England, UK
  5. Susan George (née le 29 juin 1934 à Akron (Ohio, États-Unis)) est politologue et écrivaine franco-américaine, militante altermondialiste et présidente dhonneur de l'Association pour la taxation des transactions financières et pour l'action citoyenne (ATTAC).

  6. Learn about the life and career of Susan George, a British actress, producer, horse breeder and photographer. Discover her roles in Straw Dogs, The Real Marigold Hotel, her charity work and her autobiography.

  7. Susan George. Actress: Straw Dogs. Her mother, Billie, was an ex chorus girl and her father was a musician who had a small part in the film Straw Dogs and she has a sister, Pam. At one time her parents owned The Court Hotel.

  1. Recherches liées à susan george

    simon maccorkindale