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  1. Olivia Munn, de son vrai nom Lisa Olivia Munn, née le 3 juillet 1980 à Oklahoma City, en Oklahoma, aux États-Unis, est un mannequin et actrice américaine. Elle a commencé sa carrière sous le nom « Lisa Munn » et utilise depuis 2006 celui d'Olivia Munn, dans son métier comme dans sa vie privée [1].

    • Américaine
    • Olivia Munn
    • Lisa Olivia Munn
  2. › wiki › Olivia_MunnOlivia Munn - Wikipedia

    Olivia Munn is an American actress and former TV host. She is known for her roles in The Newsroom, X-Men: Apocalypse, and The Predator, among others.

  3. › name › nm1601397Olivia Munn - IMDb

    IMDb provides an extensive overview of Olivia Munn's life and career, from her birth in Oklahoma to her roles in TV shows and movies. Learn about her background, achievements, trivia, quotes, and more on this web page.

    • January 1, 1
    • 1.63 m
    • Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA
  4. Biographie. D'origine chinoise et allemande, Lisa Olivia Munn, de son vrai nom, grandit dans une famille de cinq enfants. Elle n'a que deux ans lorsque sa mère se remarie avec un officier de la...

  5. Olivia Munn. Actress: The Newsroom. Lisa Olivia Munn was born in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Her mother, Kimberly Schmid, lived in Vietnam, and is of Chinese ancestry, while her father, Winston Barrett Munn, is from a family with deep roots in the American South.

    • July 3, 1980
  6. 13 mars 2024 · Three days after attending the 2024 Oscars with her boyfriend, comedian John Mulaney, actor and activist Olivia Munn revealed she has been battling breast cancer since April 2023.

  7. 12 mai 2024 · The actor (and her partner, John Mulaney) reflect on her past year of cancer treatments, five surgeries including a hysterectomy, and egg freezing.

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