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  1. L'université de New York (en anglais : New York University : NYU, anciennement University of the City of New York) est une université privée américaine située à New York. Son campus principal est situé dans le quartier de Greenwich Village dans l'arrondissement de Manhattan.

    • Albert Gallatin
    • Anglais
    • New York University
    • Université privée
  2. New York University (NYU) is a private research university in New York City, United States. Chartered in 1831 by the New York State Legislature, [13] NYU was founded in 1832 by Albert Gallatin [14] as a non-denominational all-male institution near City Hall based on a curriculum focused on a secular education.

  3. The NYU Tandon School of Engineering main campus is in Downtown Brooklyn and is close to public transportation routes. It is located in the Brooklyn Tech Triangle and about a 20-minute subway ride from NYU's main campus in Lower Manhattan. It is also connected to the Washington Square campus by the NYU Shuttle Bus system.

  4. Histoire. En 1841, le College of Medicine est créé au sein de l'université de New York. L'école de médecine est fusionnée avec le Bellevue Medical College, en 1898, pour former l' University and Bellevue Hospital Medical College (faculté de médecine de l'université et de l'hôpital Bellevue). Le nom actuel n'a été adopté qu'en 1960.

  5. › aboutAbout NYU

    Learn about NYU's history, mission, global presence, and academic programs. Find out how NYU fosters innovation, diversity, and social mobility among its students, faculty, and alumni.

  6. › new-york › about-usAbout Us - NYU

    Instead of becoming the location of the nation’s government, New York evolved into the nation’s financial center – a position New York still holds today. Several decades after its founding, the U.S. became a major melting pot where immigrants from around the world sought refuge.

  7. The university began a large construction campaign that continued until the early 1970s. In 1962 new president James McNaughton Hester decided to improve NYU's reputation by raising admissions standards, widening student recruiting, and hiring new faculty.