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Hostelz.com has the largest hostels database on the web. In fact it's now the only comprehensive worldwide hostels database. The other sites only list hostels in their booking system, so many awesome properties are missed. We list all hostels worldwide, for free.
Compare all BEST and CHEAPEST Hostels in USA in 2024 (with all cities). Unique guide to backpacking in USA for Solo-Travel. (Save up to 17%)
Hostelz.com helps you to find your Australia hostel and compare its prices on the major booking sites such as Hostelworld, Hostelsclub and Booking.com. So you can sleep on a budget and save money while backpacking Australia.
Genuine Real Reviews of Annecy Hostel Loverchy, Annecy (including video + photos). Price Comparison for Annecy Hostel Loverchy with Hostelz.com for a cheaper Reservation (save up to 17%)
Genuine Real Reviews of BOOK1 Design Hostel, Aarhus (including video + photos). Price Comparison for BOOK1 Design Hostel with Hostelz.com for a cheaper Reservation (save up to 17%)
Genuine Real Reviews of Hostel Die Wohngemeinschaft, Cologne (including video + photos). Price Comparison for Hostel Die Wohngemeinschaft with Hostelz.com for a cheaper Reservation (save up to 17%)
What makes Zostel stand out in this part of the world is the modern design and special hostel lifestyle that you'd expect to find in Europe and other western countries. The rooms for one thing are pretty luxurious. Alongside Zostel hostels, there is also "Zostel Home".
Genuine Real Reviews of Dorm Hostel Camp Backpackers, Marseille (including video + photos). Price Comparison for Dorm Hostel Camp Backpackers with Hostelz.com for a cheaper Reservation (save up to 17%)