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  1. Greater Expo Amsterdam Stelling 1, 2141 SB Vijfhuizen, Netherlands. Zaterdag 12 Oktober 2024 10:00-19:00u. Zondag 13 Oktober 2024 10:00-17:00u

  2. Découvrez Holland Roden sur Apple TV. Parcourez les séries et films dans lesquels participe Holland Roden, dont Ted Bundy: American Boogeyman, Escape …

  3. Holland urodziła się w Dallas, gdzie uczęszczała do Hockaday School, czyli dziewczęcej szkoły prywatnej.Pochodzi z rodziny medyków i specjalizowała się w biologii molekularnej i studiach kobiecych w UCLA.

  4. 31 janv. 2023 · Holland Roden & Shelley Hennig on Teen Wolf: The Movie, finding the comedic moments & the importance of getting answers about Lydia and Stiles.

  5. Roden nasceu na cidade de Dallas, no estado do Texas.Ela frequentou a Hockaday School, uma escola particular somente para meninas.Oriunda de uma família médica, se formou em biologia molecular e estudos femininos na UCLA, e passou três anos e meio na educação pré-médica, com o objetivo de se tornar cirurgiã cardiotorácica, antes de atuar em tempo integral.

  6. 1 mars 2024 · Holland Roden Biography. Holland Roden is an American actress famous for her role as Lydia Martin in Teen Wolf. She is also known for her role as Zoe Woods in Syfy’s horror anthology series Channel Zero: Butcher’s Blcok, Bridget Cleary in Amazon Prime Video horror anthology documentary series Lore, and Erin Isaacs in No Escape.

  7. Holland Marie Roden interprète Lydia Martin dans la série de MTV, Teen Wolf. Holland Roden est née le 7 octobre 1986, à Dallas, au Texas aux États-Unis. Holland fait ses débuts en 2007 dans une série de HBO, 12 Miles of Bad Road, dans le rôle de Bronwyn.

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