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Résultats de recherche

  1. › mapsAide Google Maps

    Aide Google. Centre d'aide officiel de Google Maps où vous trouverez des informations sur la navigation dans nos cartes en ligne avec votre navigateur ou votre appareil mobile. Vous pourrez trouver des informations sur l'obtention d'itinéraires et sur l'utilisation de Street view, sur la création, l'édition et le partage de cartes, la ...

  2. To view a map over time, you can either: In the toolbar, click Historical imagery . Click View Historical Imagery. This feature isn’t available if you’re using the Map basemap. To enable this feature, change your basemap to Satellite. Select how you want to view the map. To turn on historical imagery view, at the top left, click Historical ...

  3. › mapsGoogle Maps Help

    Use navigation in Google Maps. Check your speed. Request a ride. Add a shortcut to places you visit often. Get traffic or search for places along the way. Use Google Assistant while you navigate. Get train & bus departures. Plan your commute or trip. Use Live View on Google Maps.

  4. Understand Google Maps app features. To help you access features faster, Google Maps app has been updated. When you open the Google Maps app, you can find these tabs at the bottom of the Home Screen: Explore : Choose where to go. You : Create lists, recall places, and find your saved trips, notifications, and messages.

  5. Si l'application Google Maps plante sur votre téléphone ou votre tablette, ou que vous ne pouvez pas l'utiliser normalement en raison d'autres problèmes, essayez les solutions suivantes : Mettez à jour Google Maps. Videz l'espace de stockage de Maps via l'application Paramètres ou Réglages de votre appareil. Android iPhone et iPad.

  6. Aide. Premiers pas avec Google Maps. Télécharger des plans et utiliser la navigation hors connexion. Déterminer votre position et en améliorer la précision. Ajouter, modifier ou supprimer des avis et des notes Google Maps. Vos trajets Google Maps. Découvrir des fonctionnalités utiles de Google Maps.

  7. Click Directions . Click points on the map, type an address or add a place name. Choose your mode of transportation. To get driving directions, click Driving . To get public transport directions, click Public transport . To get walking directions, click Walking . To get rideshare or taxi options, click Ride .

  8. Computer Android iPhone & iPad. On your computer, open Google Maps. Click Directions . Click points on the map, type an address, or add a place name. Choose your mode of transportation. To get driving directions, click Driving . To get transit directions, click Transit . To get walking directions, click Walking .

  9. Add to Google Maps and earn badges. Control who finds your Google Maps contributions. Follow a Google Maps profile. Use the Contribute tab. Fix a missing address or wrong pin location. Post photo updates of a place. Set photo permissions on your iPhone or iPad. Check facts about places on Google Maps.

  10. Tip: You must be signed in to set, edit, and find your home and work on the map. Learn how to sign in to Google Maps. Set your home or work address. On your computer, open Google Maps. At the top left, click Saved Labeled. Choose Home or Work. Type in your home or work address, then click Save. Change your home or work address

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