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  1. Il y a 2 jours · His role as a redeemed neo-Nazi in American History X (1998) earned him an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor. He also starred in the film Fight Club (1999), which garnered a cult following.

  2. 11 août 2024 · American History X sees 29-year-old Norton take on the part of Derek Vingard, a murderous neo-Nazi taken in by a local figurehead of white supremacism, motivated by the killing of his father by a Black drug dealer.

  3. 16 août 2024 · In American History X, Derek Vinyard (Edward Norton), a former neo-Nazi leader, struggles to prevent his younger brother, Danny (Edward Furlong), from going down the same path of hate he once walked. Directed by Tony Kaye, this riveting drama explores themes of racism and redemption against the backdrop of contemporary American ...

  4. 1 sept. 2024 · in Lifestyle. The former white supremacist who was the main inspiration behind Ed Norton’s character in American History X has discovered that he has Jewish heritage following a DNA test. Frank ...

  5. Il y a 1 jour · Edward Norton und Edward Furlong spielen das Brüderpaar mit größtmöglicher Authentizität, sodass ein wirklich sehr intensiv erlebbares Ereignis von einem Film entsteht. Tony Kaye behilft sich des einfachen, aber doch äußerst effektiven Mittels des Schwarz-Weiß-Films, um in Rückblenden von bereits Vergangenem zu berichten.

  6. 24 août 2024 · Having starred in gems like 'Fight Club' and 'American History X', Edward Norton once named the movie he called an "aspirational bar" for himself.

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