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  1. Edgar Wright

  2. 18 mars 2017 · Edgar Wright is one of the most exciting directors working today. He has made only four films so far but he has managed to create a real impact with them. His inventive way of film making has garnered admiration from many people. He is most famous for the Three Flavors Cornetto trilogy. It consists of some of the funniest films made this century. What made them unique was Wright’s ability to ...

  3. 14 mai 2024 · C'est le réalisateur anglais Edgar Wright, qui devrait s'y coller. Le cinéaste, à qui l'on doit Scott Pilgrim ou Shaun of the Dead , est en pourparlers pour dirige le projet, qui serait ...

  4. Top des meilleurs films d'Edgar Wright

  5. Dès son plus jeune âge, Edgar Wright se passionne pour le cinéma. Armé d’une caméra Super-8, il réalise de petits courts métrages qui confortent son désir d'en faire un métier. À 20 ...

  6. Edgar Howard Wright (born 18 April 1974) is an English filmmaker. He is known for his fast-paced and kinetic, satirical genre films, which feature extensive utilisation of expressive popular music, Steadicam tracking shots, dolly zooms and a signature editing style that includes transitions, whip pans and wipes. He began making independent short films before making his first feature film A ...

  7. Edgar Wright – režisér, který se z mladého filmového maniaka toužícího se prosadit, stal jedním z nejžádanějších maniaků, kteří u filmu pracují. Vyrůstal v anglickém Somersetu a jako středoškolák začal točit krátké filmy na svou kameru Super 8. Když v soutěži na podporu komiků vyhrál za svůj film I Want to Get Into the Movies kameru Video 8, natočil ...

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