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  1. Il y a 2 jours · En 1858, dans le Sud des Etats-Unis, le docteur King Schultz, ancien dentiste reconverti en chasseur de primes, arrête un convoi d'esclaves et libère l'un d'entre eux, Django. Il pourrait être un précieux témoin pour retrouver les frères Brittle, dont la tête est mise à prix.

  2. Il y a 4 jours · VOD Les indés Canal+ Mon compte Identifiez-vous Créez votre compte. Accueil News cinéma, films et séries TV Actus Cin é News cinéma: Stars "Certains des meilleurs plans que je n'ai jamais ...

  3. Il y a 4 jours · Django Unchained is a 2012 American revisionist Western [5] film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino, starring Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kerry Washington, and Samuel L. Jackson, with Walton Goggins, Dennis Christopher, James Remar, Michael Parks, and Don Johnson in supporting roles.

  4. Il y a 1 jour · Although Django Unchained is considered the highest-grossing Western of all time, Quentin Tarantino has argued that the movie is not a Western, but a "Southern." For the most part, this distinction seemingly has to do with geography. While Westerns typically take place in the Western half of the United States, a Southern would be rooted in the ...

  5. 7 sept. 2024 · Sujet du message: Re: Django Unchained (Quentin Tarantino, 2012) Posté: 01 Fév 2013, 13:40 . Expert: Inscription: 07 Oct 2005, 10:23 Messages: 8088 Justement c'est un peu le problème de beaucoup de néocinéastes de genre qui se revend ...

  6. Il y a 6 jours · Time Period: 1877. Set nearly twenty years after Django Unchained, The Hateful Eight is a Western that takes place in the aftermath of the American Civil War with John "The Hangman" Ruth, played by Kurt Russell, escorting a stagecoach carrying Jennifer Jason Leigh's outlaw Daisy Domergue. When a blizzard threatens to impede their progress, they ...

  7. 23 août 2024 · This week, we're tackling Quentin Tarantino's explosive and controversial film "Django Unchained" with our friend Joe from @MovieDumpster! Join us as we bre...

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