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Résultats de recherche
Cronulla is a suburb of Sydney with numerous surf beaches and swimming spots. It has a history of Aboriginal, colonial and railway heritage, and was the site of violent incidents in 2005.
Cronulla (16 754 habitants) est une ville littorale en Nouvelle-Galles du Sud ( Australie) située à 26 km au sud du Sydney central business district. Elle dépend du comté de Sutherland. Elle est localisée sur une péninsule avec Botany Bay au nord, Bate Bay à l'est, Port Hacking au sud et Gunnamatta Bay à l'ouest.
Cronulla is a seaside destination in Sydney's south, accessible by train and ferry. Enjoy patrolled beaches, rock pools, coastal walks, cafes, bars and festivals in this laid-back beach lifestyle.
Discover Cronulla, a surfer's paradise with four beaches, five ocean pools and a rich history. Enjoy brunch, walks, cruises, cocktails and live music in this relaxed beachside destination.
Que faire Cronulla : visitez les plus beaux endroits Cronulla, préparez votre voyage et vos vacances (hébergement, location, transport, activités).
Discover the best things to do in Cronulla, a South Sydney suburb with surfing beaches, cafés, music venues and more. Learn about its history, attractions, ferry trips and coastal walks.
Explore stunning Cronulla Beach, it's iconic surf culture, vibrant cafes and community. Tips on where to eat, drink, and play.
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