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Historically, the first extensions used for C++ were .c and .h, exactly like for C. This caused practical problems, especially the .c which didn't allow build systems to easily differentiate C++ and C files. Unix, on which C++ has been developed, has case sensitive file systems. So some used .C for C++ files.
3 avr. 2018 · In early C, the operator && did not exist, and because of that & was used for this purpose. One way to explain it is that you could imagine that & is the same thing as applying && on each individual bit in the operands. Also note that & has lower precedence than &&, even though intuition says that it should be the other way around.
19 nov. 2015 · c’est ou c’était est un présentatif. C’est une tournure impersonnelle dans laquelle c’ (ce) est le sujet apparent; le mot ou les mots qui le suivent constituent le sujet réel. Il arrive que l’on accorde le verbe être avec le sujet apparent dans le cas où le présentatif est directement suivi d’un pronom personnel.
there are no strings in C, just character arrays that, by convention, represent a string of characters terminated by a zero (\0) character. When you pass the address of a variable to a function, you can de-reference the pointer to change the variable itself (normally variables are passed by value (except for arrays)).
11 sept. 2016 · In C, %[^\n] has no meaning. In the scanf formatting language (which is used by C) it means that your code has opened a very large vulnerability to an overflow exploit. Learning the scanf formatting language is not learning C. Indeed, doing so is an impediment to learning C. –
4 avr. 2010 · I am reading a book called "Teach Yourself C in 21 Days" (I have already learned Java and C# so I am moving at a much faster pace). I was reading the chapter on pointers and the -> (arrow) operator came up without explanation. I think that it is used to call members and functions (like the equivalent of the .
Very good, but the C style pre-dates standard C, which makes it less recommendable these days. Some have argued for the removal of 'Traps and Pitfalls' from this list because it has trapped some people into making mistakes; others continue to argue for its inclusion. Perhaps it should be regarded as an 'expert' book because it requires ...
1 févr. 2021 · Integer literals like 1 in C code are always of the type int. int is the same thing as signed int. One adds u or U (equivalent) to the literal to ensure it is unsigned int, to prevent various unexpected bugs and strange behavior. One example of such a bug: On a 16-bit machine where int is 16 bits, this expression will result in a negative value:
21 févr. 2009 · In the C programming language, static is used with global variables and functions to set their scope to the containing file. In local variables, static is used to store the variable in the statically allocated memory instead of the automatically allocated memory. While the language does not dictate the implementation of either type of memory ...
28 mars 2012 · Not quite -- in fact a conforming C implementation may not define PI in <math.h>. POSIX specifies M_PI, but again, a conforming C implementation may not define it. (POSIX imposes some requirements that conflict with the C standard.) But you can define it that way in your own program. –