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3 oct. 2024 · Sanctuary. Blade Runner 2049 was just so much more engaging that I intentionally watched it again within the same decade. Watched Blade Runner as a kid, and thought it looked neat, but didn't understand half of it. Watched it again as a young adult and understood it, but found the execution to be dreadfully dull.
2 juil. 2024 · Tuesday at 5:51 PM. #158. Cassius Africanus said: This seems poorly worded. The quote makes it sound like he wished he directed a sequel to Blade Runner, not specifically 2049. Yeah at this point I dont think any of us would give up 2049, but a sequel with Ridley again would be interesting.
24 avr. 2018 · Blade Runner 2049 could have been screwed up FAR easier than Fury Road. Not to take anything away from Mad Max but Blade Runner had the entire world and the history of the genre working against it. Lol not even the actors understood what Miller was going for. Long, troubled production.
22 oct. 2020 · Blade Runner effectively created an aesthetic that is still with us today. This. The original obviously has Rutger Hauer's iconic performance as Roy Batty and the Vangelis soundtrack, but practically everything else is executed far more effectively in 2049. Including Harrison Ford's performance as Deckard IMO.
2 juil. 2024 · Oct 27, 2017. 7,468. 5 minutes ago. #101. He's had many chances to turn out top-notch work. He just doesn't. After reading about the production of Robin Hood, it seems like he's just a foot-shooter. If he wants to try and talk himself into directing another Blade Runner, I'd say go for it. The other guy's too busy putting out bangers like Dune.
2 févr. 2018 · Hey gang. I figured if anyone would be able to help me, it would be someone from ResetEra. I bought Blade Runner 2049 on blu-ray from Amazon.com. The...
28 déc. 2020 · Yes, the sound design is one of the reasons I love Blade Runner 2049 so so much. I know it’s technically a song, but that one specific sound at the lighthouse scene in Annihilation is pure bliss too. ~10 seconds in, but please watch the movie before:
30 déc. 2012 · 至于影片的中文译名《银翼杀手》,很可能是译者的发挥,因为《Blade Runner: A Movie》的初版书封画着一只带翅膀的帆布鞋。. 这部影片在港台的译名很多,现译名据说是台湾发行录影带时改的,上映时叫做《公元2020》,香港上映时译名似同。. 然后在香港还有另 ...
4 oct. 2017 · Fabrizio Tassi. Blade Runner e il suo film-replicante. Non esisteva altro modo per ri-vedere quel mondo, per abitarlo di nuovo. Un replicante di nuova generazione che lo porta più in alto e più lontano, molto vicino al simulacro di realtà in cui viviamo. Che addirittura contiene Blade Runner, come un corpo perfetto, sintetico, post-umano ...
6 oct. 2017 · 《银翼杀手2049》高口碑但也却是低票房 科幻巨制《银翼杀手2049》登陆国内院线,然而四天时间,这部被影迷赞誉的神片却只取得了五千万的票房,而同天上映的灾难片《全球风暴》,却意外的拿下了2.35亿票房。《银翼杀手2049》接受北美市场检阅,三周时间北美累计票房也只有7000多万美元,对于 ...
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