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What Would Jesus Do?: Directed by Thomas Makowski. With John Schneider, Maxine Bahns, Adam Gregory, Mark Arnold. A group of Americans--a singer, a newspaper editor, a pastor, and a real-estate mogul--vow to walk in the steps of Jesus. Every day, every decision, becomes a turning point in their lives as they ask themselves "What Would Jesus Do?"
- (886)
- Drama
- Thomas Makowski
- 2010-05-22
Synopsis: Based on the bestselling book WWJD? by Charles Sheldon. A moving and thought provoking story about a group of Americans – a singer, a newspaper edi...
- 2 min
- 53,9K
- NGN Productions
24 sept. 2024 · The citizens of a small town lose their faith day by day. Poverty and hardships have been hard on them... when all of a sudden something changes. Their faith is reborn. And a question rises inside them: "What would Jesus do?"
- Thomas Makowski
- 3
A moving and thought provoking story about a group of Americans – a singer, a newspaper editor, a pastor and a real estate mogul who vow to...
- 94 min
- 305,6K
- MyTime Movies Now
Stream 'WWJD: What Would Jesus Do?' and watch online. Discover streaming options, rental services, and purchase links for this movie on Moviefone. Watch at home and immerse yourself in this...
Film adaptation of the hit book that tells the stories of individual Americans making decisions with the vow to walk in the thoughtful steps of Jesus. Subtitles: English. Starring: John Schneider Maxine Bahns Adam Gregory Jim Gleason Christopher Maleki. Directed by: Thomas Makowski.
What Would Jesus Do? A singer, a newspaper editor, a pastor and a real estate mogul all vow to walk "in the steps of Jesus." Every day and every decision becomes a turning point in their lives as they must ask themselves..."What Would Jesus Do?" IMDb 4.9 1 h 33 min 2010 7+.
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