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  1. Warner Baxter est un acteur américain à Columbus, dans l'Ohio, le 29 mars 1889 et mort d'une pneumonie à Beverly Hills, le 7 mai 1951.

    • 29 mars 1889Columbus, OhioÉtats-Unis
    • Acteur
    • Américaine
  2. Warner Baxter was an American film actor who won the Academy Award for Best Actor for In Old Arizona (1929). He starred in many films, including The Great Gatsby, 42nd Street, and Crime Doctor series.

  3. › name › nm0062828Warner Baxter - IMDb

    Warner Baxter was an American actor who won an Oscar for his role as the Cisco Kid in In Old Arizona (1928). He also starred in Penthouse, 42nd Street, The Prisoner of Shark Island and the Crime Doctor series.

    • January 1, 1
    • Columbus, Ohio, USA
    • January 1, 1
    • Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, California, USA
  4. 29 mars 2010 · Learn about Warner Baxter, the Oscar-winning actor who played The Cisco Kid and Julian Marsh in 42nd Street. Discover his early stage and film roles, his high salary in the 1930s, and his inventions such as a revolver-searchlight and a traffic signal controller.

    • Warner Baxter1
    • Warner Baxter2
    • Warner Baxter3
    • Warner Baxter4
    • Warner Baxter5
  5. Learn about the life and career of Warner Baxter, the first American to win the Academy Award for Best Actor. He starred in silent classics like In Old Arizona and The Cisco Kid, and later in Crime Doctor and The Prisoner of Shark Island.

    • March 29, 1889
    • May 7, 1951
  6. Warner Baxter was an American film actor who won the Academy Award for Best Actor for his role as The Cisco Kid in In Old Arizona. He also starred in many other films, especially westerns, and played various characters from the 1910s to the 1940s.

  7. Warner Baxter, veteran film actor dies. May 8, 1951. On May 8, 1951, The Times re­port that Warner Bax­ter, win­ner of the second act­or’s Oscar in film­dom his­tory for his por­tray of the...