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  1. Learn about the origins and customs of Valentine's Day, a Christian feast day honoring a martyr named Valentine and celebrating love and romance. Find out how Valentine's Day is observed in different countries and religions, and what are the common symbols and legends associated with it.

  2. 22 déc. 2009 · Learn about the origins and traditions of Valentine’s Day, a holiday celebrated every February 14 in honor of St. Valentine, a martyred priest or bishop. Discover how Valentine’s Day evolved from a pagan fertility festival to a day of romance and love, and who is Cupid, the god of love.

  3. 4 févr. 2024 · La Saint-Valentin, appelée Valentine’s Day en anglais, a lieu chaque année le 14 février. Dans la tradition populaire, ce jour symbolise la fête de l’amour. Les couples célèbrent ainsi ...

  4. 9 févr. 2023 · Learn how Valentine's Day evolved from a pagan fertility festival to a romantic holiday, and who were the two saints behind the name. Discover how people around the world celebrate or resist this day of love.

  5. Saint-Valentin est une fête des amoureux célébrée le 14 février dans de nombreux pays. Découvrez son origine, son histoire, ses coutumes et ses symboles sur Wikipédia.

  6. Valentine’s Day on February 14 is a global holiday that traditionally celebrates romantic love. The holiday has taken a secular form in recent years and is celebrated in almost all countries worldwide.

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