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  1. Bonnes affaires sur les film titanic sur Amazon. Petits prix sur film titanic. Livraison gratuite (voir cond.)

Résultats de recherche

  1. Titanic at 100: Mystery Solved: Directed by Tony Bacon, Rushmore DeNooyer. With Jonathan Adams, Christopher Davino, James Delgado, David Gallo. A team of technicians and scientist undertake a thorough site survey of the Titanic shipwreck area to examine how the passenger ship sank.

    • (163)
    • Documentary
    • Tony Bacon, Rushmore DeNooyer
    • 2012-04-15
  2. 7 sept. 2021 · A team of technicians and scientist undertake a thorough site survey of the Titanic shipwreck area to examine how the passenger ship sank. ...more. The Titanic was a British passenger liner...

    • 86 min
    • 120,8K
    • Titanic Films by Mark
  3. A team of scientists, engineers and imaging experts have joined forces to answer one of the most haunting questions surrounding the legendary disaster.

  4. 11 avr. 2023 · Directed by James Cameron, the documentary features a team of experts who conducted extensive research and analysis to uncover new insights into the circumstances surrounding the Titanic's tragic...

    • 86 min
    • 483
    • Aaron's Archive
  5. A team of scientists, engineers and imaging experts have joined forces to answer one of the most haunting questions surrounding the legendary disaster.

  6. 28 mars 2022 · A fascinating new, feature-length documentary, TITANIC AT 100: MYSTERY SOLVED will take viewers on a journey to the bottom of the North Atlantic where they will investigate the remains of the most famous ship in history.

  7. A team of scientists, engineers and imaging experts have joined forces to answer one of the most haunting questions surrounding the legendary disaster: Just how did the “unsinkable” ship break...