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The Last Play at Shea is a 2010 American documentary film written by Mark Monroe, directed by Paul Crowder, produced by Steve Cohen and Nigel Sinclair, in conjunction with Billy Joel's Maritime Pictures and Spitfire Films. [1]
The Last Play at Shea, not to be confused with Live at Shea (concert), was a documentary about Shea Stadium and Billy Joel's life. Below are clips about the ...
How to watch "Billy Joel - The Last Play at Shea" on Netflix and other services – including free options.
- Jon Small, Paul Crowder
- 16
Through the prism of Billy Joel’s extraordinary career and blue collar perspective, The Last Play at Shea chronicles the waning days of Shea Stadium through a tapestry of performance, historical documentary and personal journey while at the same time providing audiences with a pop-culture snapshot of a seminal era in New York history.
The Last Play at Shea: Directed by Paul Crowder, Jon Small. With Alec Baldwin, Dan Barry, Dan Barry, Tony Bennett. A documentary feature chronicling the history of two New York icons and the journey that brought them together for the last musical performance at Shea Stadium.
- (399)
- Documentary, Biography, History
- Paul Crowder, Jon Small
- 2010-04-25
Two New York icons meet for one final time in THE LAST PLAY AT SHEA. Academy® Award-winning documentary writer Mark Monroe (THE COVE) chronicles the intersecting histories of the landmark Shea Stadium and the legendary performer Billy Joel.
Filmmaker Paul Crowder and a camera crew were on hand for Joel's shows, and the documentary THE LAST PLAY AT SHEA chronicles his historic two-night stand, as well as exploring Joel's career, his ties to working-class New York, and how his life and career paralleled the growth of suburban Long Island and the beloved ballpark.