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  1. 19 sept. 2012 · The Boy In The Oak TRAILER. "It is never wise to trust a Faerie. And should you ever trespass upon their world, ill fate will likely befall you." A short film by Luke Losey, based on...

    • 37 s
    • 5,2K
    • Thomas Reiter
  2. Casting et infos sur l'équipe qui a participé à l'élaboration du film The Boy in the Oak (2012) de Luke Losey

  3. The Boy in the Oak is a 2010 Canadian children's book written and illustrated by Jessica Albarn. It is a fantasy about a boy who discovers an oak tree in his family's back garden. The book contains detailed pencil drawings of fairies, insects, and children.

  4. Bandes-annonces, trailers, teasers et autres vidéos du film The Boy in the Oak (2012) de Luke Losey

  5. Toutes les critiques sur le film The Boy in the Oak de Luke Losey, classées par popularité. Avis, tests, ou simples fiches de lecture, chacun rédige ses critiques comme...

  6. A young boy becomes trapped inside an oak tree when he angers the garden fairies with his behavior.

  7. The Boy in the Oak Luke Losey. Royaume-Uni, Angleterre / 2011 / Fiction, Animation / 4’30” I1204807