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Terror in the Night (working title The Hunter) is a 1994 American made-for-television thriller film starring Joe Penny, Justine Bateman, Matt Mulhern and Valerie Landsburg. Directed by Colin Bucksey and based on actual events, the film was originally broadcast on CBS on January 11, 1994.
- Thriller
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Terror in the Night: Directed by Colin Bucksey. With Joe Penny, Justine Bateman, Matt Mulhern, Valerie Landsburg. A fugitive killer posing as a policeman arrests two campers in the Arizona mountains.
- (169)
- Drama, Thriller
- Colin Bucksey
- 1994-01-11
TERROR IN THE NIGHT: Réalisateur: Colin BUCKSEY: Année: 1994: Nationalité: Américain Genre: Thriller, Téléfilm: Durée: 1H33 Acteurs principaux: Justine BATEMAN, John BENNES, Lindsay BROOCKMAN, Lisa COOLEY, Josh COPELAND, Elizabeth DOMINGUEZ, Greg HOHN, Howard KINGKADE, Valerie LANDSBURG, Marc MACAULAY, James MARTIN JR. Distribution: 20TH ...
- Justine BATEMAN
- Américain
- 1994
Stream 'Terror in the Night' and watch online. Discover streaming options, rental services, and purchase links for this movie on Moviefone. Watch at home and immerse yourself in this...
Terror in the Night is a 1994 American made-for-television thriller film starring Joe Penny, Justine Bateman, Matt Mulhern and Valerie Landsburg. Directed by Colin...
Terror in the Night (TV) is a film directed by Colin Bucksey with Joe Penny, Justine Bateman, Matt Mulhern, Valerie Landsburg .... Year: 1994. Original title: Terror in the Night. Synopsis: A fugitive killer posing as a policeman arrests two campers in the Arizona mountains.You can watch Terror in the Night (TV) through on the platforms:
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