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The film follows renowned skipper Matt Knight, who teams up with world-class big wave surfer Andrew Cotton to adventure into the most dangerous waters of the Atlantic. Their journey is inspired by a passage in a 19th century treasure hunter’s journal. Joined by family and friends, the pair are faced with life-threatening challenges on their quest.
Savage Waters, narrated by Charles Dance, boasts jaw-dropping cinematography, and follows remarkable protagonists, for whom living life to the full often means putting themselves in harm’s way. "Savage Waters boasts jaw-dropping cinematography, mind-boggling sea drama, and heart-warming footage showing the family that surfs together laughs together."
30 août 2023 · Savage Waters infrequent strong language Resilience prevails as adventurers surf the most dangerous Atlantic ocean waves in this uplifting British documentary, which features some strong language and life-threatening challenges that bring moments of intense threat. …
15 août 2019 · Savage Waters Film (@savagewaters_) • Instagram photos and videos. Savage Waters Film @SavageWaters_ · Nov 21. For all the new followers: the music of . @savagewaters_ by . @avawavesmusic. is available at the link in our bio! #compose ...
Savage Waters A tantalising passage in a 19th-century treasure hunter’s journal inspires a family of modern-day adventurers ★★★★ “Much more than just a surfing or sailing film, Savage Waters offers sharp insights into the unique psychology of extreme sports, the power of a united family, and the daring and resilience it takes to reach your goal when your every instinct is to play ...
Savage Waters (12A) Dir. Michael Corker | 2022 | 93 mins . How far would you go searching for something that may not exist? A 19th century treasure-hunter's journal inspires a captivating journey to seek out and surf a mythical, never-ridden wave in some of the most remote and dangerous waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
2,945 Followers, 397 Following, 249 Posts - Savage Waters Film (@savagewaters_) on Instagram: "A film by @mikeycorker produced by @whippedsea, scored by @avawavesmusic and narrated by Charles Dance.