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  1. Richard III is perhaps most well-known now due to the discovery of his remains in a car park in Leicester.. He was however an important figure in England’s medieval monarchy: brother to Edward IV, he usurped his own nephew, Edward V and took the crown as his own, only to be killed two years later at the Battle of Bosworth, bringing an end to the infamous dynastic battle known as the War of ...

  2. 28 mars 2015 · Richard III ne régna que deux ans sur l'Angleterre, à la fin du Moyen Âge mais laissa la réputation d'un tyran sans égal. Treizième et dernier roi de la dynastie des Plantagenêt, il fut aussi le dernier roi anglais à mourir à la guerre.

  3. Richard III, (born Oct. 2, 1452, Fotheringhay Castle, Northamptonshire, Eng.—died Aug. 22, 1485, Bosworth, Leicestershire), Last Yorkist king of England.He was made duke of Gloucester in 1461 after his brother Edward of York had deposed the weak Lancastrian king Henry VI and assumed power as Edward IV.

  4. by Matthew Lewis. King Richard III was born on 2nd October 1452 at Fotheringhay Castle in Northamptonshire, the seat of the House of York. He was the seventh surviving child and fourth surviving son of Richard, 3rd Duke of York and Cecily Neville, Duchess of York.

  5. Act III–IV. To counter any claims to the crown, Richard confines his nephews, the young Prince of Wales and his brother, in the Tower of London.

  6. 2 avr. 2014 · Richard III was king of England for two turbulent years. He is best known for being accused of murdering his nephews to protect his throne.

  7. Le drame historique intitulé La Tragédie du roi Richard III (publiée pour la première fois en 1597) est le dernier volet de la première tétralogie shakespearienne (comprenant les trois parties d' Henry VI ), fresque historique qui retrace les luttes fratricides de la guerre des Deux-Roses...

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