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  1. Resident Advisors: Created by Natalia Anderson, Alex Jenkins Reid, Taylor Jenkins Reid. With Jamie Chung, Daryl Sabara, Ryan Hansen, Romy Rosemont. Enter the dorm scene's pseudo-managers -- the resident advisors.

    • (868)
    • 2015-04-09
    • Comedy
    • 21
  2. 27 août 2013 · Dean Slater: Resident Advisor: Directed by Colin Sander. With Mitchell Jarvis, Nick Renaud, Glenn McCuen, Jimmy Wong. Three college freshmen tackle their first semester under the guidance of their legendary stand-in R.A.

    • (241)
    • Comedy
    • Colin Sander
    • 2013-08-27
  3. Resident Advisors is an American sitcom that premiered on April 9, 2015, on Hulu. [1] The series was created by Alex J. Reid, Taylor Jenkins Reid, and Natalia Anderson and follows a group of resident advisors at a college. [2]

  4. Retrouvez toutes les news et les vidéos de la série TV Resident Advisors. Synopsis : Une comédie située dans le lieu le plus sur-chargé en hormones, sexuellement actif et hors de contrôle ...

    • (3)
    • 2015
    • min | Comédie
    • 30
  5. Resident Advisors is a workplace comedy set in the most hormonally-overloaded, sexually active, out-of-control workplace in the world: a college dorm. Starring Ryan Hansen, Resident Adivsors follows a group of resident assistants as they navigate sex, drugs, and midterms.

  6. Resident Advisors est une comédie qui se déroule dans le lieu le plus surchargé en hormones, sexuellement actif et hors de contrôle : le dortoir d'une…

  7. 28 août 2013 · The boys battle viral video stigma, psychotic girlfriends, and hangovers on their way to creating a more analogue college experience. Subscribe to TRAILERS: to...

    • 3 min
    • 61,8K
    • Rotten Tomatoes Indie