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We are a day school for girls aged 4-18, located in South Kensington, on the edge of the capital’s educational and cultural heartland, the perfect place to inspire and indulge young hearts and minds. Our close-knit community of around 500 pupils is a special one.
Queen's Gate is a girls' school in London with a history of originality and academic excellence. It offers a broad and forward-thinking curriculum, individualised support and pastoral care, and a range of co-curricular activities.
Queen's Gate School is a private day school for girls aged 4–18 in Queen's Gate, South Kensington, London, England. The Good Schools Guide described it as a "Charming popular school, with a mixed intake, which does jolly well by its girls."
Welcome to Queen’s Gate Senior School. Girls enter the Senior School at the age of 11, from both our Junior School, as well as independent and maintained feeder schools from across the capital.
17 sept. 2019 · Queen's Gate. Housed in five light, airy and elegant townhouses just minutes from the museums of South Ken, this is an immaculate school where girls enjoy their studies in a purposeful environment.
- Tatler
Queen's Gate School, London, United Kingdom. 431 likes · 24 were here. All the news from Queen's Gate School; an independent day school for girls aged 4-18 in S.Kensington
Official YouTube channel for Queen's Gate School, South Kensington. We are an independent girls' school for girls aged 4-18. Website: queensgate.org.uk Instagram: @queensgateschool Facebook...
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