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Résultats de recherche

  1. Study for a qualification with the experts in flexible online learning. Choose from over 200 courses and 400 modules, and join over 60,000 students who've registered for their courses.

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    • Business

      At The Open University, we’re not just academic experts. We...

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      Distance and Online Courses from The Open University. View...

    • Postgraduate

      Why The Open University? Every year, lots of postgraduates...

    • International

      We are The Open University and believe world-class...

    • Research

      Open Research Online (ORO) is the Open Access repository of...

    • About

      The Open University is a global leader in higher education...

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  2. The Open University offers a wide range of courses and qualifications in various subjects, from undergraduate to postgraduate level. Learn flexibly, earn while you study and get funding support with The Open University.

  3. Produced by The Open University, a world leader in open and distance learning, all OpenLearn courses are free to study. We offer nearly 1000 free courses across 8 different subject areas. Our courses are available to start right away.

  4. The foundations of a solid and sustainable European open university. Innovation in curricula, course delivery and assessment. Lifelong learning opportunities for all. Wider participation of traditionally underrepresented groups. Quality digital learning. Accelerated digital transformation in higher education

  5. L'Université ouverte (en anglais : The Open University ou OU) est une université publique et ouverte située au Royaume-Uni et fondée en 1969. Son administration est à Milton Keynes, dans le Buckinghamshire, elle fonctionne aussi dans treize centres régionaux.

    • Harold Wilson
    • Anglais
    • The Open University
  6. 14 mai 2019 · Les premières "Open Universities" ont vu le jour il y a 50 ans. Depuis, elles se sont implantées dans de nombreux pays à travers le monde. Universités nationales et majoritairement publiques, elles se font le reflet de projets politiques visant la justice sociale et le développement national.

  7. Learn about The Open University, a UK-based institution that offers flexible and accessible higher education to millions of students worldwide. Find out about its history, mission, governance, teaching, research, policies, reports and sustainability.

  1. Recherches associées