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  1. Nicole Kidman (/n ɪ ˈkoʊl ˈk ɪ dmən/ 1), née le 20 juin 1967 à Honolulu, est une actrice, réalisatrice, chanteuse et productrice de cinéma australo - américaine.

  2. Nicole Mary Kidman AC (born 20 June 1967) is an Australian actress and producer. Known for her work in film and television productions across many genres, she has consistently ranked among the world's highest-paid actresses since the late 1990s.

  3. Il y a 4 jours · Terrible soirée pour Nicole Kidman. L’actrice a été obligée de quitter le festival de la Mostra de Venise ce samedi 7 septembre 2024 après avoir appris le décès de sa mère comme le ...

  4. Il y a 5 jours · Nicole Kidman, sacrée meilleure actrice de la Mostra de Venise, n'est pas montée sur scène recevoir son prix. Elle venait d'apprendre le décès de sa mère.

  5. Il y a 4 jours · Nicole Kidman est en deuil. L’actrice de 57 ans a appris juste avant la cérémonie de clôture du festival de la Mostra de Venise le décès de sa mère âgée de 83 ans. Elle n’a pu recevoir ...

  6. › name › nm0000173Nicole Kidman - IMDb

    Nicole Kidman. Actress: Moulin Rouge!. Elegant Nicole Kidman, known as one of Hollywood's top Australian imports, was actually born in Honolulu, Hawaii, while her Australian parents were there on educational visas. Kidman is the daughter of Janelle Ann (Glenny), a nursing instructor, and Antony David Kidman, a biochemist and clinical ...

  7. 3 avr. 2014 · Born Nicole Mary Kidman on June 20, 1967, in Honolulu, Hawaii, Nicole Kidman is one of Hollywood's most beautiful and well-regarded leading female stars. At age 4 she moved with her parents...

  8. Il y a 3 jours · Nicole Kidman is an American-born Australian actress known for her considerable range and versatility. Her notable movies include To Die For (1995), Moulin Rouge! (2001), and The Hours (2002), for which she won an Oscar. Read more about Kidman’s life and career.

  9. Nicole Kidman. Actress: Moulin Rouge!. Elegant Nicole Kidman, known as one of Hollywood's top Australian imports, was actually born in Honolulu, Hawaii, while her Australian parents were there on educational visas. Kidman is the daughter of Janelle Ann (Glenny), a nursing instructor, and Antony David Kidman, a biochemist and clinical ...

  10. 28 avr. 2024 · Kidman, 56, is the first Australian actor to be given the highest honour bestowed by the organisation. The Moulin Rouge actress was presented with the prestigious award by Meryl Streep in...

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