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  1. › wiki › Eddie_MurphyEddie Murphy - Wikipedia

    Il y a 13 heures · [31] [32] In 1982, Murphy made his big-screen debut in the film 48 Hrs. with Nick Nolte. [15] 48 Hrs. proved to be a hit when it was released during the Christmas season of 1982. Nolte was scheduled to host the December 11, 1982, Christmas episode of Saturday Night Live, but became too ill to host, so Murphy took over. He became the only cast ...

  2. › wiki › 19511951 – Wikipedia

    Il y a 13 heures · Olympiade der Neuzeit. 000014 XIV. Seleukidischer Kalender. 2262–2263. Thai-Solar-Kalender. 2494. Das Jahr 1951 ist von den zunehmenden Feindseligkeiten zwischen Ostblock und westlicher Welt geprägt, die sich im Koreakrieg und der McCarthy-Ära, speziell dem Prozess gegen Ethel und Julius Rosenberg, widerspiegeln.

  3. Il y a 13 heures · IRL. ca. 07:00 Minuten Pause. 100. 162. Tapioca 3. S \ Z.Rpf \ F \ 2016 \ Tangelo van de Zuuthoeve x Catoki \ Z: Lejeune,Aurelien \ B: BG Gudrun und Saskia Bauer,Meyer-Zimmermann,Janne Friederike,Zimmermann,Christoph. GER. Janne Friederik Meyer-Zimmermann. RV Hof Waterkant Hamburg-Holstein e.

  4. Il y a 13 heures · Regia di Taylor Hackford. Un film con Jason Statham, Jennifer Lopez, Michael Chiklis, Clifton Collins Jr., Micah Hauptman, Wendell Pierce, Nick Nolte, Bobby Cannavale, Elton LeBlanc, Charleigh Harmon. Genere Azione – USA, 2013. Parker viene tradito dalla sua banda dopo una rapina durante una fiera e lasciato mezzo morto per strada. Salvato da ...

  5. Il y a 13 heures · Tuesday was the official beginning of National Day, a Chinese holiday marking the anniversary of Communist Party rule. This year marks the 75th anniversary of the takeover, but the celebrations seemed muted as the week-long holiday got underway, as China faces economic stumbles, security woes, supply chain disruptions, a massive demographic crisis, and a growing sense of anger and futility ...

  6. Il y a 13 heures · President Biden called on Americans Wednesday to “put politics aside” to focus on Hurricane Helene recovery efforts — moments before stepping on his own message by saying that anyone who doubts climate change’s role in the disaster “must be brain dead.” “In a moment like this, we put politics aside, at least we should put it all aside, and we have here,” the retiring 81-year ...

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