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  1. Il y a 3 heures · Madagascar sera représenté par quatre athlètes au championnat du monde de Bodybuilding, qui se déroulera aux Maldives du 5 au 11 novembre. Autofinancés et en excellente forme, ils espèrent réaliser de belles performances sur la scène internationale, soutenus par la fédération et leurs proches. Quatre athlètes malgaches sont sur le ...

  2. Il y a 1 jour · CHAMPIONNAT DE MADAGASCAR PAR EQUIPE 2024. 4. Ronde le 2024/11/02 à 8H0. is a powerful and dedicated server only for chess-results. The tournament archive of contains more than 40.000 tournaments from around the world.

  3. Il y a 1 jour · The first table lists countries by the percentage of their population with an income of less than $2.15 (the extreme poverty line), $3.65 and $6.85 US dollars a day in 2017 international PPP prices. The data is from the most recent year available from the World Bank API.

  4. Il y a 1 jour · In 2024, tropical cyclones have been forming in seven major bodies of water, commonly known as tropical cyclone basins. Tropical cyclones are named by various weather agencies when they attain maximum sustained winds of 35 knots (65 km/h; 40 mph). So far, 101 systems have formed this year, with 70 of them being named.

  5. Il y a 1 jour · Jacques René Chirac (UK: / ˈʃɪəræk /, [1][2] US: / ʒɑːk ʃɪəˈrɑːk / ⓘ; [2][3][4] French: [ʒak ʁəne ʃiʁak] ⓘ; 29 November 1932 – 26 September 2019) was a French politician who served as President of France [5] from 1995 to 2007. He was previously Prime Minister of France from 1974 to 1976 and 1986 to 1988, as well as ...

  6. Il y a 3 heures · A festa famadihana, em homenagem aos mortos, serve para apaziguar os razana irritados. Por vezes, eles mesmos determinam a data, aparecendo em sonho a um familiar, mas na maioria dos casos é o ...

  7. Il y a 3 heures · TVM Styles huwa programm ippreżentat minn Mireille Bonello li jiffoka fuq l-arti ta’ kif tħejji ruħhek għal okkażjonijiet differenti. Mireille u l-mistiednin tagħha jiggwidaw lit-telespetturi kif iħejju ruhhom għal firxa wisgħa ta’ avveniment u jaddattaw stili varji f’dik li hi moda, dekor u organizzazajoni.

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    Des milliers de produits : lisez les avis des clients et trouvez les meilleurs vendeurs. Bonnes affaires sur les madagascar 2 sur Amazon.

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