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Sobre o Filme: Kick-Ass: Quebrando Tudo Assista ao filme online no superfilmes Usando sua paixão por histórias em quadrinhos, o adolescente Dave Lizewski decide se reinventar como super-herói, apesar da total falta de poderes especiais.
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16 avr. 2010 · Copyright © 2010 LionsgateHow come nobodys ever tried to be a superhero? When Dave Lizewski ordinary New York teenager and rabid comic—book geek dons a gree...
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Kick-Ass - movie: where to watch streaming online
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"How come nobody's ever tried to be a superhero?" When Dave Lizewski - ordinary New York teenager and rabid comic-book geek - dons a green-and-yellow Internet-bought wetsuit to become the no-nonsense vigilante Kick-Ass, he soon finds an answer to his own question: because it hurts.
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