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  1. John Thaw est un acteur britannique célèbre pour ses rôles dans Kavanagh, Regan et Inspecteur Morse. Il a joué dans plusieurs films, dont Chaplin et Cry Freedom, et a reçu de nombreux prix.

    • Britannique
    • John Edward Thaw
  2. › wiki › John_ThawJohn Thaw - Wikipedia

    John Thaw was an English actor who starred in The Sweeney, Inspector Morse and Kavanagh QC. He won two BAFTA awards and was married to Sheila Hancock until his death in 2002.

  3. 28 févr. 2002 · John Thaw, acteur britannique qui incarnait le rôle de l'inspecteur Morse dans la série télévisée du même nom, est mort jeudi 21 février, à l'âge de 60 ans, des suites d'un cancer.

  4. 8 janv. 2021 · Sheila Hancock, who stars in Sky1's A Discovery of Witches, remembers her 29-year marriage to John Thaw, best known for playing Inspector Morse. She reveals he was an "aggressive little so and so" but also a "lovely gentleman".

    • 1 min
    • Jessica Williams
    • John Thaw1
    • John Thaw2
    • John Thaw3
    • John Thaw4
    • John Thaw5
  5. 23 févr. 2002 · John Thaw, the British television actor known to millions as the crusty, music-loving Chief Inspector Morse of Oxford, died at his home in Wiltshire, England, on Thursday. He was...

  6. › name › nm0857177John Thaw - IMDb

    John Thaw (1942-2002) was a British actor known for his roles in The Sweeney, Inspector Morse, Chaplin and more. He won three BAFTA Awards and was married to actress Sheila Hancock.

  7. Learn about the life and career of John Thaw, the British actor who starred in The Sweeney, Inspector Morse and other TV shows. Find out his birth and death dates, family, awards, trivia and quotes.

  1. a été visité par plus de 1 million utilisateurs le mois dernier

    Bonnes affaires sur les john thaw sur Amazon. Petits prix sur john thaw. Livraison gratuite (voir cond.)

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