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John Posey est un acteur et scénariste américain, né en 1956 à Hartford. Il a joué dans des films comme Le sixième sens, RoboCop 3 et Teen Wolf: The Movie, et dans des séries comme Seinfeld, 24 Heures chrono et Teen Wolf.
John Posey is an American actor who appeared in various TV shows and films, including Teen Wolf and How to Get Away with Murder. He was born in Hartford, Connecticut, and has a son, Tyler Posey, who also became an actor.
YearTitleRoleNotes20222 episodes ("Axe and Grind", "Plan and ...2017JudgeGuest role, episode: "What would Lucifer ...2017Fred OvermyerEpisode: "Dreamland"2015LAFD Rescue DirectorEpisode: "Young Hearts Spark Fire"John Posey is a versatile performer who has appeared in TV shows like Better Call Saul, How to Get Away with Murder, and Teen Wolf. He is also a screenwriter, a speech writer, and a teacher of scene study in L.A.
- January 1, 1
- 1.77 m
- Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Découvrez tous les films et séries de la filmographie de John Posey. De ses débuts jusqu'à la fin de ses 36 ans de carrière.
AnnéeTitreRôleNote Spectateurs20229-1-1 : Lone Star - Saison 3 4 Episodes 1 ...Cole3,82022Detective3,22022Better Call Saul - Saison 6 2 Episodes 6 ...Rand Casimiro4,42020Aidan's Dad2,0John Posey is an actor, writer and teacher who has worked in TV, film and stage since 1986. He is the father of Tyler Posey and Jesse Posey, and has appeared in shows like Full House, Teen Wolf and Better Call Saul.
- February 7, 1956
John Posey est un Acteur, Scénariste américain. John Posey sera bientôt à l'affiche au cinéma. Découvrez sa biographie, le détail de ses 36 ans de carrière et toute son actualité.
John Posey is a versatile and experienced performer in TV, film and theater. He is also a screenwriter, speechwriter, ghostwriter and scene study teacher. He has three children in the entertainment industry, including Tyler Posey of TEEN WOLF.
Ready to hang. Inspiration From The Phenomena Of Nature, Whether Human Or The Physical.