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  1. Jeremy Strong est un acteur américain, né en 1978 à Boston, connu pour son rôle de Kendall Roy dans la série Succession. Il a également joué dans des films comme The Big Short, Le Grand Jeu et Les Sept de Chicago.

    • Américaine
    • Acteur
  2. Jeremy Strong (born December 25, 1978) is an American actor. [1] He rose to prominence for his portrayal of Kendall Roy in the HBO drama series Succession (2018–2023), for which he received the Primetime Emmy Award and a Golden Globe Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series.

  3. › name › nm0834989Jeremy Strong - IMDb

    Jeremy Strong is an American actor known for his roles in The Trial of the Chicago 7, Succession, The Big Short, and more. He has won a Primetime Emmy and received many other awards and nominations for his work in film and theater.

    • January 1, 1
    • 1.78 m
    • Boston, Massachusetts, USA
    • Jeremy Strong1
    • Jeremy Strong2
    • Jeremy Strong3
    • Jeremy Strong4
  4. Son approche extrême du métier d’acteur en a presque fait un paria. Alors que se profile la fin de la série, Jeremy Strong répond à ses détracteurs et imagine l’après-Succession.

  5. Découvrez tous les films et séries de la filmographie de Jeremy Strong. De ses débuts jusqu'à la fin de ses 16 ans de carrière.

  6. 29 mai 2023 · Exclusive: Jeremy Strong on Succession’s Brutal Finale and Kendall’s Ending. “This, to me, was a life-and-death thing. And I took it as seriously as I take my own life,” the Emmy winner says on...

  7. 10 mars 2024 · For years, Jeremy Strong was a relatively anonymous, steadily gigging actor. He did theater and some recurring TV work (“The Good Wife,” “Masters of Sex”), and was able to land decent...