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  1. Il y a 1 jour · A recently discovered performance of “Thompson’s Old Gray Mule” is now the oldest country recording in existence. The performer is Louis Vasnier, a Black artist from New Orleans. The ...

  2. Il y a 22 heures · That’s saying something. Archeophone, founded in 1998, is a tiny label known for its impressive discoveries. Six years ago, Martin and Hennessy released another Levin find, a song by Charles ...

  3. Il y a 4 jours · Best Classic Country Songs Of All Time - Top Old Country Music Playlist Greatest Country Songs

    • 61 min
    • 3,8K
    • Country Collection
  4. Il y a 4 jours · Tanya Tucker may have been overlooked in the outlaw country conversation, but “Texas When I Die” proves she belongs with the best of them. At just 19 years old, she recorded this heartfelt ode to her home state in 1978. And this song is still a fan favorite today. Its simple yet powerful lyrics about Texas pride hit all the right notes ...

  5. Il y a 5 jours · Sometimes called country western, or country and western music, classic country songs are steeped in Americana and tell the story of ordinary, loving, hard working, often hard drinking, and...

  6. Il y a 2 jours · Country (also called country and western) is a music genre originating in the southern regions of the United States, both the American South and the Southwest. First produced in the 1920s, country music is primarily focused on singing stories about working-class and blue-collar American life. [2]

  7. Il y a 7 heures · An 18-year-old sharecropper named Willie Reed was out walking by the barn when a truck turned in. He hid while the woman's husband and brother-in-law, who'd snatched Till from his bed, dragged the ...