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Résultats de recherche

  1. International airlines group. Formed in January 2011, IAG is the parent company of British Airways, Iberia, Vueling, Aer Lingus, LEVEL, IAG Loyalty and IAG Cargo. It is a Spanish registered company with shares trading on the London and Spanish stock exchanges.

    • About Us

      IAG has a unique business model within the airline industry,...

    • Investors and Shareholders

      We are a world-leading aviation group, maximising...

    • Press releases

      IAG Loyalty. Media centre. Sign up for email alerts. Stay up...

    • Annual reports

      International Consolidated Airlines Group, S.A.’s average...

  2. International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A., connu sous le nom International Airlines Group (IAG), est la holding née de la fusion entre la compagnie nationale anglaise British Airways et l'espagnole Iberia le 8 avril 2010 [3].

  3. International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A., trading as International Airlines Group and usually shortened to IAG, is a British-Spanish multinational airline holding company with its registered office in Madrid, Spain, and its corporate headquarters in London, England. [4]

  4. 27 oct. 2023 · IAG has a unique business model within the airline industry, based on a light structure at the centre; agile, empowered and focused airline operating companies, accountable for results; and a central platform providing a competitive advantage through scale and world-class expertise.

    • International Airlines Group1
    • International Airlines Group2
    • International Airlines Group3
    • International Airlines Group4
    • International Airlines Group5
  5. International Airlines Group (IAG), le géant aéronautique connu pour rassembler des transporteurs de renom comme British Airways et Iberia, prévoit d’accueillir 181 avions dans les années à venir. Ce chiffre vient en léger recul par rapport à celui annoncé en 2022, qui était de 192 appareils.

  6. We are a world-leading aviation group, maximising sustainable value creation for our shareholders and customers.

  7. 1 mars 2024 · International Airlines Group (IAG), la société mère de British Airways, Aer Lingus, Iberia, Vueling, Level a annoncé ses résultats pour l’année 2023, démontrant une augmentation impressionnante...

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