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  1. I am very X) Adverbs can appear between I and am, like really, definitely, etc. What X can't never be is the plain form of a verb. So you can say I am walking but never I am walk. You can say I am to walk but not I am walk. You can say I am cooking hamburgers or I cook hamburgers but never I am cook hamburgers.

  2. 1 déc. 2017 · "Hi, I am David." "Hello, this is David" Although the first and the second formats are more commonly used in face-to-face conversations, where as the third one is most commonly used in telephonic introductions, rather than face-to-face. "Hi, Welcome to ABC Tele-services. This is David. How may I assist you today?"

  3. I have heard the phrase ‘I am in’ or ‘I am absolutely in’ (and similar variations) several times. As I understand it, it means I agree with the idea and I will join you in your efforts. Recently, I wanted to use this phrase in a written form and I thought perhaps my understanding was incorrect. I Googled the phrase to reassure myself ...

  4. 1. I think "I am from" is referring to your origin (that doesn't change) ex: "I am from England" (= "I was born in England"). (A reminder: think about your name ex: "I am Chloé, nice to meet you") In parallel, "I come from" is more referring to a present situation ex: "I come from France". These two expressions in a same sentence you'd be ...

  5. 自从发现AM不怎么刊发金属类的论文后,就对这刊无感了. 后来零零碎碎的看到一些金属大类的文章,感觉金属方向的刊文越来越水. 蹭时代脉动,撇开金属材料这一支,是要放下包袱轻装简行,自然让做金属的觉得这刊有点内味儿. 再有,现在对这种什么分领域 ...

  6. My son, who by the way is 16 and is the father of five children, and I am among your greatest fans the version with am may be judged by many native speakers to be "correct", especially in spoken English, chiefly because of the proximity or closeness of I with am , as compared to the much longer distance between the first subject ('my son') and the verb to be .

  7. 14 sept. 2015 · Have to {infinitive} means obligation due to (possibly adverse) circumstances. Be to {infinitive} means obligation due to previous agreement or presumed way of behaving. So, in your case, I am to tell you. means that according to some agreement or protocol I have the obligation/task to inform you. I have to tell you.

  8. 4 juil. 2018 · 16. The expression "I'm in" or "count me in" mean that you wish to be included in a proposed activity. For example: "I'm going to the bar.

  9. 12 janv. 2015 · I am a doctor with 15 years experience in... Informally I think you could go with either my name is or I am. BTW, I would not use "Hi" in a formal situation. Hello or I am pleased to meet you would be better. In fact, if you start with I am pleased to meet you, then my name is follows naturally: I am (I'm) pleased to meet you.

  10. 7. "I am born" is the first line of Charles Dickens' novel David Copperfield. When he wrote that line, however, he was using the narrative present: First line of book = first day of life for David Copperfield = the character DC is born. Otherwise, it's idiomatic to say "I was born..." You can say "I'm from Paris" if you were born there but don ...

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