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  1. Il y a 3 jours · Pinter discovered his social potential as a student at Hackney Downs School, a London grammar school, between 1944 and 1948. "Partly through the school and partly through the social life of Hackney Boys' Club ... he formed an almost sacerdotal belief in the power of male friendship.

  2. Il y a 2 jours · By 1909 there were county secondary schools at Hackney Downs (taken over from the Grocers' Company), Colvestone Crescent, and Cassland Road.

  3. Il y a 5 jours · In Downs Park Road land had still to be taken by the Grocers' Co. for the later Hackney Downs school, opened in 1878. (fn. 62) Only a few short roads remained for building: Cottrill Road, Spurstowe Terrace, and Sigdon and Bodney roads in the east, and Alvington Crescent and parts of Colvestone Crescent in the northwest.

  4. Il y a 3 jours · Photograph: Hackney Greens. A surge in anti-social behaviour and crime in the Hackney Downs area over the summer months has made residents feel powerless, as police and the council attempt to get a grip on the situation. Offences ranging from drug-dealing to theft, dangerous cycling, and damage to trees have been reported to councillors, the ...

  5. Il y a 3 jours · Immediately to the south Shacklewell primary school filled part of the site of Hindle street board school from 1951 and to the east the low-rise Shacklewell Road estate was built.

  6. 14 août 2024 · The East London schoolboy, 11, spending his summer holiday running to get uniforms for pupils. An 11-year-old boy from Hackney is taking on a challenge to Sun 5K to raise money for other people's school uniforms and he's doing it simply because he believes it's a good thing to do.

  7. Il y a 3 jours · From 1997, Tony organised the sound systems and trucks that provided music on the road for Mare de Gras (an early version of Hackney Carnival). Still playing in Hackney today, the group has a loyal following who join events as a T-shirt section. After Tony’s passing in 2005, the group honours him each year at Hackney and Notting Hill Carnivals.