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  1. 19 avr. 2008 · Girl 1: "We went window shopping, but I kept myself from buying anything." Girl 2: "You go, girl!" I actually have never heard the saying "you go, guy," but if I did it would have the same type of meaning. In fact, if guys are using it there is a very good chance they are making fun of girls who say it. Guy 1: "Dude, we clobbered them in b-ball ...

  2. 19 mars 2014 · Mar 19, 2014. #6. Yes, "bitch" to refer to a man might be an intended affront to his masculinity or intended to suggest the man is somehow weak. There are any number of potential meanings though, and the word might simply be used as a generic insult, marking a thorough lack of respect for the person.

  3. 30 nov. 2013 · I use "Typ" and "Kerl" quite frequently. I don't necessarily mean someone young, but it totally applies to young people, too. Calling someone like that to their faces is somewhat impolite. You might do it if you're reproaching them for something. Sometimes, "Kerl" is used admiringly, as in "Was für ein Kerl!".

  4. Member Emeritus. Penang. American English. Oct 20, 2017. #4. "Neat" is a throwback word to when life was more innocent – it's in the company of "swell guy." Paul is trying to act suave, sophisticated, attractive, sexy, in control ... and then reassures himself that he's a "neat guy," which sounds rather juvenile these days. E.

  5. 11 sept. 2005 · guy NOUN 1. informal a man: he's a nice guy. My answer to your question would be that in current general usage the lower age limit for calling any one man a guy is about the mid-teens, but that it depends largely on the age of the speaker: At age twenty-four I would rarely call any one male under the age of 17 a guy, and I would be unlikely to use the word for a man over the age of, say, 40.

  6. 17 mai 2012 · May 17, 2012. #4. I agree with Sparky (on both counts ). "Gorgeous" is rarely used in reference to a man, but when it is, it is really extravagant praise, even more so than when used in reference to a woman. A gorgeous man is a breathtakingly handsome man. So your best bet here would be "handsome" or "very handsome."

  7. 23 mai 2009 · Newcastle, Australia. English - Australia. Oct 3, 2012. #29. lad, chap, guy, bloke, character. In Australia, I've only heard lad as part of common sayings like "he's a likely lad." Chap would only be heard on old British sitcoms. Guy is fairly common, often used to refer to a man whose name you don't know. e.g.

  8. 2 juin 2017 · English - England. Jun 2, 2017. #2. siares said: Can I jokingly say: I know about this issue as much as a next guy, No. "The next guy" requires the definite article - it is a set phrase meaning "any other person." It is probably from "the person who could be standing next to me." As the noun (person) in that phrase is defined adjectivally, it ...

  9. 26 nov. 2014 · Northern Colorado USA. American English. Nov 26, 2014. #2. The guy from the park with [the] twins. We are talking about a particular guy so "a guy" is not correct.

  10. 18 nov. 2007 · Spanish. Oct 31, 2009. #8. Guy would be translated into Spanish as "Chico", not "Tío". except in informal language, "tío" would sound derogatory, rude. tío= bloke, mate, guy (in some cases) the word equivalent for girl (not female child) in the males, is guy, and it is not rude as tío and tipo usually is. Last edited: Oct 31, 2009.

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