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Fawn Hall (né en 1959) est une ancienne employée de l'US Navy et du Conseil de sécurité nationale américains. Ancienne secrétaire du lieutenant-colonel Oliver North, elle a joué un rôle notable dans l'affaire Iran-Contra en détruisant des documents confidentiels.
Fawn Hall (born September 15, 1959) is a former secretary to Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North who gained fame for her role in the Iran–Contra affair by helping North shred confidential documents. Early life. Born in Annandale, Virginia, in 1959, Hall graduated from Annandale High School in 1977.
9 mars 1987 · No one could say Fawn Hall wasn't loyal. When her boss, Lieut. Colonel Oliver North, asked her to work weekends at the National Security Council, she readily agreed. Hall, 27, a strikingly...
9 juin 1987 · Miss Hall spun a fascinating tale of her role as Cerberus to Colonel North - taking calls from the President, the Vice President and William J. Casey, the Director of Central Intelligence, and...
Fawn Hall (né en 1959) est une ancienne employée de l'US Navy et du Conseil de sécurité nationale américains. Ancienne secrétaire du lieutenant-colonel Oliver North, elle a joué un rôle notable dans l'affaire Iran-Contra en détruisant des documents confidentiels.
Fawn Hall was secretary and, for 15 months, romantic partner to Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North, USMC, during the Iran-Contra scandal of the 1980s.
19 avr. 2012 · We're kicking it off with Fawn Hall, the document-shredding secretary at the heart of the Iran-contra affair.