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16 oct. 2010 · Death Of A Princess is a British 1980 drama-documentary, produced by ATV, produced in cooperation with WGBH in the United States. The drama, believed to be based on the true story of...
- 15 min
- 247,7K
- saudi2014
Death of a Princess (Arabic: موت أميرة) is a British 1980 drama-documentary produced by ATV in cooperation with WGBH in the United States. The drama is based on the true story of Princess Mishaal, a young Saudi Arabian princess, who was executed, by shooting, [1] along with her lover who was beheaded for adultery upon her ...
- Docudrama
Le film raconte l'histoire de la princesse saoudienne Michaaïl, petite-fille du prince Muhammad, frère aîné du roi Khaled ben Abdelaziz Al Saoud, et donc nièce de Mohammed Ben Salmane. La princesse fut condamnée à mort avec son amant, Khaled Mouhalhal, pour avoir entretenu une liaison hors-mariage. En
Death of a Princess is a British 1980 drama-documentary produced by ATV in cooperation with a PBS station in the United States.
- 111 min
- 10,3K
- Pasteris Archive
The 1980 docudrama recounting the public execution of a young Saudi Arabian princess and her lover for adultery triggered vehement protests from the Saudi government and an international...
La mort d'une princesse (Death of a Princess) Un journaliste enquête sur les circonstances de l'exécution d'une jeune princesse arabe pour cause de liaison adultère. Téléfilm au traitement en forme de reportage. Nombreuses observations critiques. Mise en scène valable. Interprétation retenue.
19 avr. 2005 · The film is a docu-drama, based on transcripts from interviews conducted by reporter/filmmaker Antony Thomas on his journey through the Arab world in search of the truth...
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