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  1. Constantine brought Christian persecution to an end when he came to power. There is no historical indication that Constantine was converted. In fact, he was not baptized until he was practically on his deathbed. However, his mother Helena was a Christian convert, and it’s most likely that Constantine saw in Christianity a cohesive method to unify the kingdom.

  2. 康斯坦丁 Constantine的剧照 . 按喜欢排序 · 按尺寸排序 · 按时间排序. 3072x2128 152回应. 467x700 60回应. 467x700 36回应. 465x700 30回应. ...

  3. Constantine the Great changed the Sabbath to Sunday. On March 7, A.D. 321, Constantine the Great issued the first civil Sunday law, compelling all the people in the Roman Empire, except farmers, to rest on Sunday. This, with five other civil laws decreed by Constantine concerning Sunday, set the legal precedent for all civil Sunday legislation ...

  4. 罗马皇帝,康斯坦丁大帝,Constantine the great,喜欢住在东罗马,于是居住的地方命名为Constantine's city,希腊语city是polis,最后命名Constantinople,就是著名的君士坦丁堡,也即现在的伊斯坦布尔。西罗马沦陷,君士坦丁堡成为东罗马帝国首都。

  5. 9 oct. 2018 · CW Seed的网剧《康斯坦丁:恶魔之城》准备发布一部长篇的版本正如网剧《雌狐》一样,5集的《康斯坦丁:恶魔之城》将汇编在一起并加入新片段,最终转换成一部完整的电影。 DC动画电影《康斯坦丁:恶魔之城...

  6. 18 févr. 2005 · 看过《Constantine》这部影片的人或许会觉得本文的命题有些奇怪,因为无论怎样看,这部影片都是一个神鬼故事,或者更彻底地来说,是一个在基督徒们看来都不一定很“现实”的故事。那么,为何我要就这部影片来谈论现实主义这个主题呢? 这个问题其实不难 ...

  7. 3 mai 2022 · 今天聊聊美国电影《康斯坦丁:神秘之所》。 片名Constantine: House of Mystery (2022)。 当前诗选形式的剧集很多,创作者可以在一个个或长或短的故事中,尽情发挥想象力创造力。而DC本身就有许多很不错的故事,改编成电影也并不是一件难事。 本次DC展台发布的是 ...

  8. It represents the period of Christian history following the conversion of Emperor Constantine to Christianity and the setting up of the full union of church and state. The church which formerly was persecuted and, like her Saviour, had no place to lay her head, gradually grew into a mighty power which could command untold wealth and the arm­ies of imperial Rome.

  9. 24 oct. 2014 · 没看过漫画,倒是很喜欢这种“非主流英雄“。历史上同样的,是一个叫Constantine的人,改变了基督教的走向,他让基督教几乎成为罗马的国教,原来受屠杀和迫害的基督徒成为统治阶级的一员。和主人公一样,他自己是否是个true believer, 无从得知,也许只是 ...

  10. 24 mars 2018 · 在NBC播了一季被取消的《康斯坦丁 Constantine》,在经过于《绿箭侠 Arrow》客串一集后,CW宣布《康斯坦丁》将以5集的10分钟动画登陆他们的网上平台CW Seed(像动画《雌狐 Vixen》),而剧集主角Matt Ryan会继续声演。

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