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  1. The Centre for Talented Youth, Ireland provides enrichment courses for students with high academic ability. The Centre also offers university style courses for students of all ages and abilities. CTY Ireland was established at Dublin City University in 1992 to meet the needs of high ability students aged 6 to 17 years from Ireland and abroad.

  2. The Centre for Talented Youth Ireland (CTYI) is a programme for students of high academic ability between the ages of six and seventeen in Ireland. [1] There are sibling projects around the world, most notably the CTY programme at Johns Hopkins University, the original model for CTY Ireland.

  3. Mission Statement. Nurturing Talent, Maximising Potential. CTY Ireland aims to allow all talented students to reach their potential both academically and socially by providing relevant and interesting challenges based on ability and interest rather than age.

    • Eligibility
    • Young Student Courses
    • Autumn/Spring Saturday Programmes
    • Summer Programmes
    • Correspondence Courses

    Students wishing to participate in our Primary School Programme must first demonstrate high academic ability. This can be achieved through either the Young Student Assessment or by submission of an Educational Psychologist's report. For further info, please click here.

    Our Young Student programmes offer a wide range of courses to cater to all manner of students. For further info on our course options, click here. For some sample course content, please click here. Please note that all course options are subject to change.

    8-week Saturday courses run each Autumn (October to December) and Spring (February to April). Courses are available for 6-7-year-olds* and 8-12-year-olds. Please note that confirmation of receipt of your application will be issued when your child has been assigned a course. If the courses your child has chosen are full we will contact you by phone ...

    One-week courses run throughout the four weeks of July. Courses are available for 6-7-year-olds* and 8-12-year-olds.* The younger student CTYI summer programme runs over a 5 week period in the months of June and July. The summer courses run over 5 consecutive days (Monday-Friday), with each course being assigned to the morning or afternoon. Courses...

    CTYI offers a number of correspondence courses to primary school students. Details for any upcoming Correspondence Courses are included in the main course mailout. Courses on offer in the past have included Chemistry, Maths, Writing and Forensic Science.

  4. Centre for Talented Youth, Ireland (CTYI), based in Dublin City University, provides enrichment classes for approximately six thousand gifted students across Ireland each year.

  5. The Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth (CTY) is a gifted education program for school-age children founded in 1979 by psychologist Julian Stanley at Johns Hopkins University.

  6. CTY Ire­land is a pro­gram for high-abil­i­ty stu­dents aged 6 to 17 from Ire­land and abroad. Par­tic­i­pat­ing stu­dents take col­lege-lev­el cours­es while still at school. CTY Ire­land runs Sat­ur­day, sum­mer, and cor­re­spon­dence cours­es for aca­d­e­m­i­cal­ly tal­ent­ed stu­dents, and also an ear­ly uni ...