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  1. A secondary school in Bristol that aims to provide outstanding education and support for students. Find out about open events, term dates, newsletters, vacancies and more.

    • Academy Ethos & Vision

      Academy Ethos & Vision The Just Cause. At BBA we all make...

    • Admissions

      Admissions. For more information on Secondary Applications...

    • Attendance

      Good attendance is important, if your attendance is above...

    • Term Dates

      Term Dates 2024-2025 Below are the dates your child should...

  2. A mixed sex secondary academy in Bristol, England, named after Isambard Kingdom Brunel. Learn about its history, academic achievement, notable alumni and sponsors.

    • Statement from Principal Regarding Admission Numbers from September 2024
    • In Year Applications
    • Children with Anechp​
    • Admission Appeals
    • GeneratedCaptionsTabForHeroSec

    Dear Families As you will know we have been supporting the shortfall in secondary school places in Bristol, by increasing the number of students each year that we take into Year 7 . This is called a temporary breach of our Published Admission Number (PAN). From September 2024, we will have 1305 students in the following structure: Year 7 – 232 Stud...

    If your child is already in secondary education and you wish to apply to Bristol Brunel Academy please use the form below: BBA In Year Application Form Where the number of applications for admission is greater than the published admissions number, applications will be considered against the criteria set out in our Admissions Policy.​ Parents will h...

    For parents/carers of children with an Education, Health and Care Plan please click on this link to apply for a place:​ Apply for a key stage transfer school place for a child with an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan​ Please do not use the online school admissions application form. This allows this group of children and young people to be prio...

    Admissions appeals are organised through Bristol City Council and the Local Authority. All communications for appeals need to go through Bristol City Council and the Local Authority. The Academy is not able to organise appeals. Each year, there isa deadline for lodging appeals which allows those making an appeal at least 20 school days from the dat...

    Find out how to apply for a place at Bristol Brunel Academy for Year 7 or In Year, and the admission criteria and appeals process. The Academy has a permanent PAN of 232 students and a temporary PAN of 290 for Years 7 and 8.

  3. Bristol Brunel Academy. 288 likes · 34 talking about this. At BBA we all make exceptional things happen today, tomorrow and in the years to come.

    • 369
    • 264
  4. 24 sept. 2020 · Watch a video to explore Bristol Brunel Academy, a secondary school in Bristol, UK. Learn about the school's vision, facilities, and student life from the Principal and other staff.

    • 4 min
    • 4,8K
    • Cabot Learning Federation
  5. 3 oct. 2017 · Bristol Brunel Academy. URN: 135300. Address: Speedwell Road, Speedwell, Bristol, BS15 1NU. CABOT LEARNING FEDERATION.

  6. Welcome to the Bristol Brunel Academy English Department blog. This blog is aimed at students and parents, with the sole purpose of helping pupils at Bristol Brunel make the best possible progress in English. We hope to: Let you know what you will be studying in each year and each term.