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  1. 13 févr. 2023 · Blue lips are most often caused when something is preventing you from getting enough oxygen into your body. Read on to discover some of the causes of blue lips including asthma, carbon...

  2. 24 août 2023 · Blue or gray lips and skin indicate a lack of blood flow or a lack of oxygen circulating in the blood. Sometimes lips that change color may be a warning sign of a medical emergency, such as a...

  3. Cyanosis is a sign of low oxygen or poor blood circulation in your body. It can be caused by various conditions, such as lung, heart or blood problems. Learn how to spot and treat cyanosis.

  4. 4 nov. 2023 · Blue lips (cyanosis) can be caused by medical conditions, some of which are serious. Depending on a person’s skin color, it can be hard to spot blue lips which can be a sign that a person’s body is not getting enough oxygen.

  5. Cyanosis is when your skin, lips and/or nails turn a bluish tone. It occurs when your blood lacks the oxygen it needs to reach the different tissues in your body. Cyanosis can be caused by many different conditions. Some may be serious medical conditions. Diagnosis and treatment depend on the cause. Oxygen therapy is usually a first treatment.

  6. 2 juin 2024 · Cyanosis is a bluish, grayish, or purplish tinge of the skin, lips, or nails due to low blood oxygen. It can be a sign of various heart and lung conditions, infections, drug overdose, or other serious problems.

  7. Les lèvres bleues, une forme de cyanose, peuvent survenir lorsque le sang de votre corps ne transporte pas suffisamment doxygène. Cela peut indiquer des problèmes cardiaques, pulmonaires ou autres. Dans certaines circonstances médicales, les personnes peuvent avoir une teinte bleuâtre sur les lèvres.