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  1. 29 janv. 2011 · En France. Français-France. Jan 29, 2011. #2. tous les mots que tu proposes sont féminins, il te faut accorder le déterminent (quel ou quelle) au féminin. quelle beauté. quelle idée. quelle vitesse. voilà.

  2. 26 sept. 2012 · A neighborly day for a beauty, Now I'll match the first line from each stanza and the second line from each stanza: 1a. It's a beautiful day in this neighborhood, 2a. It's a neighborly day in this beautywood, 1b. A beautiful day for a neighbor, 2b. A neighborly day for a beauty,

  3. 15 mars 2019 · I agree with suzi that "you are safe with 'good-looking*'"; 'attractive' has a connotation of sexual attraction, In My Opinion. *Although I wouldn't use it to refer to how a person is dressed ("smartly", as suzi says (more BE than AE, I think)). In the abstract, we do talk about "male beauty" (like Michelangelo's "David" statue).

  4. 14 sept. 2005 · Sep 14, 2005. #3. I LOVE poetry, too. Here are the lines you asked for in my language; Danish: You are the epitome of beauty = du er skoenhedens emblem/ du er et emblem paa skoenhed (the second option is the best) You are the sole interpreter of my profound life = Du er den eneste fortolker af mit inderste / indre (but inderste is better) liv.

  5. 8 mai 2020 · May 8, 2020. #5. 1. It is really hard to convey the beauty of Croatia via the Internet. If you are trying to show or explain to other people over the internet how beautiful Croatia is it's difficult. It's hard for them to get a sense of it. 2. It is really hard t o capture the beauty of Croatia via the Internet.

  6. Il y a 5 jours · Podane dane osobowe przetwarzane będą przez Health and Beauty Media sp. z o.o. w związku z udzieloną przez Ciebie zgodą na otrzymywanie newslettera na podany przez Ciebie w formularzu adres e-mail. Masz prawo do wycofania udzielonej zgody w dowolnym momencie. Wycofanie zgody nie wpływa na zgodność z prawem przetwarzania, którego ...

  7. 5 mars 2020 · Mar 5, 2020. #3. Olaf says this when an Autumn leaf falls into his hand. He's begun to worry about the impermanence of things. He is a snowman, don't forget. He's wishing that his present state could last forever. The leaf with its beautiful autumn colours is a reminder that change (however attractive it may seem to us) marks the passing of time.

  8. 27 mai 2016 · Cantonese. May 27, 2016. #1. Which phrase below is grammatically correct? Your beauty is beyond compare. Your beauty is beyond comparison. I once heard someone say the second phrase online, but I looked it up and only the first one could be searched so I am a bit confused.

  9. 30 oct. 2013 · English - England. Oct 30, 2013. #2. No. There is beauty and then there is "inner beauty" and many other qualified sorts of beauty. You can say that "physical beauty" is the converses of "inner beauty" but you would only do this to show the contrast. "Oh yes, she has [a certain] physical beauty but if you spent any time with her, you would find ...

  10. 25 juil. 2006 · Jul 31, 2006. #27. No, I don't think plastic surgery/cosmetic surgery shoul be allowed in Beauty Contests. It is supposed to be about their natural beauty. Altough, they could have a contest based on beauty reached through surgery. But that will be another contest. And, please, there is not just Women Beauty Contests, you have Men Beauty ...

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