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  1. Ashley Greene Khoury, née le 21 février 1987 à Jacksonville (Floride), est une actrice et mannequin américaine. Elle est principalement connue pour avoir interprété le rôle d' Alice Cullen, dans la saga Twilight, entre 2008 et 2012.

  2. 2M Followers, 2,388 Following, 1,812 Posts - Ashley Greene Khoury (@ashleygreene) on Instagram: "Co-founder @ourhummingway".

  3. Ashley Greene Khoury (born February 21, 1987) is an American actress. She is known for playing Alice Cullen in the film adaptations of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight novels.

  4. › name › nm2230865Ashley Greene - IMDb

    Ashley Greene. Actress: Twilight. Ashley Michele Greene was born in Jacksonville, Florida to parents Michele (Tatum), an insurance broker, and Joseph Lacy Greene, US Marine who runs a concrete business. A self-confessed tomboy and "daredevil", Ashley loved to try to keep up with her older brother Joe, taking on activities such as taekwondo and ...

  5. Ashley Greene. Métier : Mannequin, actrice. Nom réel : Ashley Michele Greene. Né (e) le : 21/02/ 1987 (âge : 37 ans) Pays : États-Unis. Signe : Poissons. Biographie Photos Vidéos. Dernière...

  6. Découvrez toutes les infos sur Ashley Greene Khoury, sa biographie, sa filmographie complète, son actualité. Découvrez aussi toutes les photos et vidéos de Ashley Greene Khoury

  7. Ashley Greene. Actress: Twilight. Ashley Michele Greene was born in Jacksonville, Florida to parents Michele (Tatum), an insurance broker, and Joseph Lacy Greene, US Marine who runs a concrete business. A self-confessed tomboy and "daredevil", Ashley loved to try to keep up with her older brother Joe, taking on activities such as taekwondo and ...

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