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21 mai 2024 · Antitrust Law. Competition law is a law that promotes or seeks to maintain market competition by regulating anti-competitive conduct by companies. Competition law is implemented through public and private enforcement. Competition law is known as antitrust law in the United States for historical reasons, and as anti-monopoly law in China and Russia.
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23 juil. 2024 · Competition law is a law that promotes or seeks to maintain market competition by regulating anti-competitive conduct by companies. Competition law is implemented through public and private enforcement. Competition law is known as antitrust law in the United States for historical reasons, and as anti-monopoly law in China and Russia.
没啥区别吧 都可以用 考试的时候不会出这个词的辩析的 在美国不同的报社写反垄断法的时候都不能统一用法. 发布于 2019-05-09 20:46. 这两者之间哪个使用的地方最多,哪个又更加正式一些呢?.
14 mai 2022 · Unfair Competition. Anti-competitive practices are business or government practices that unlawfully prevent or reduce competition in a market. The debate about the morality of certain business practices termed as being anti-competitive has continued both in the study of the history of economics and in the popular culture.
反垄断法的任务就是防止市场上出现垄断,以及对合法产生的垄断企业进行监督,防止它们滥用市场优势地位。. 著名反托拉斯法案. 1、第一个反托拉斯法《谢尔曼反托拉斯法》. 2、1914年美国制定的第二部重要的反托拉斯法《克莱顿反托拉斯法》. 3、《联邦贸易 ...
29 mars 2016 · Trade Regulation. Trade regulation is a field of law, often bracketed with antitrust (as in the phrase “antitrust and trade regulation law”), including government regulation of unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive business acts or practices. Antitrust law is often considered a subset of trade regulation law.
负责任地说, 张汝伦 资质中下且人品很成问题,第一学历很能说明问题,他当年高考落榜上了 安徽芜湖师专,机缘巧合上了复旦哲学系并留在了高考基本都是全省前一百名的名校复旦,从此占据着复旦名校资源小人得志耀武扬威不可一世,这在现在是绝不可能 ...
在人脸关键点回归任务中,每个关键点的回归难度不一样,在训练初期,所有的点误差都很大,你可以理解为都是large error,训练到中后期时,大部分点都已经基本准确,但是还不够准,这时候是small error,我们想让它回归得更准,就必须放大它的损失,这是wing ...
1 什么是池化. pooling,小名池化,思想来自于视觉机制,是对信息进行抽象的过程。. 上图就是一个池化的示意图,用了一个10*10的卷积核,对20*20的图像分块不重叠的进行了池化,池化之后featuremap为2*2的大小。. pooling有什么用呢?. 或者说为什么需要pooling呢 ...