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  1. With a wave of William's wand, Angelina vanishes from sight, but has she disappeared for ever? Willaim promises to dance in the charity show with Angelina if she'll help him practice his magic tracks.

    • 2002-01
    • Judi Dench, Jonell Elliott, Keith Wickham
    • 52
    • Judi Dench, Jonell Elliott, Keith Wickham
  2. WILLIAM THE CONJUROR: Willaim promises to dance in the charity show with Angelina if she'll help him practice his magic tracks. With a wave of William's wand, Angelina vanishes from sight, but...

  3. Stream 'Angelina Ballerina The Magic of Dance' and watch online. Discover streaming options, rental services, and purchase links for this movie on Moviefone. Watch at home and immerse...

  4. Willaim promises to dance in the charity show with Angelina if she'll help him practice his magic tracks. With a wave of William's wand, Angelina vanishes from sight, but has she disappeared for ever?

  5. ANGELINA'S VALENTINE: It's a happy Valentine's Day for Angelina when she receives flowers and valentines - supposedly from Sammy. But when Sammy gets caught in a lie, will...

  6. William promises to dance in the charity show with Angelina if she'll help him practice his magic tricks. With a wave of William's wand, Angelina vanishes from sight, but has she disappeared forever?

  7. William the Conjuror promises to dance in the charity show with Angelina if she ll help him practice his magic tracks. With a wave of William s wand, Angelina vanishes from sight, but has she disappeared for ever? Angelina and Grandma Angelina is excited about wearing a tutu worn by Miss Lilly when she was young. But when Angelina shows off her ...

    • DVD