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Il y a 1 jour · "The Age of Adaline" is another film that allowed Blake Lively to shine. In this romantic fantasy, she plays Adaline Bowman, a woman who, after a miraculous accident, remains 29 years old for decades. The film explores themes of love, loss, and the passage of time, and Lively's portrayal of Adaline's struggles and eventual journey toward love captivated viewers and critics alike.
Il y a 3 jours · Od toga trenutka Adaline više ne stari i fizički ima 29 godina. Jedne je noći dva sumnjičava agenta FBI-a pokušaju ugurati u zrakoplov kako bi je mogli proučiti, no ona uspije pobjeći. Shvaća da će ostatak života morati provesti u bijegu...
Il y a 4 jours · FILM Adaline acheter en location 24H plus tôt est inscrit "contenu indisponible". Bonjour, j'ai loué le film "Adaline" il y a 24H. Cependant en voulant reprendre ma lecture, en allant dessus, le film est inscrit en "contenu indisponible". Connaissez-vous la raison ou savez-vous comment régler le problème?
Il y a 1 jour · あらすじ. 奇跡的な出来事がきっかけで年を取らなくなってしまったアデライン・ボウマン。. 100歳を超えているのに29歳にしか見えない彼女は、怪しまれないように10年ごとに名前も住所も外見も変え、新しい人生をスタートさせなくてはならない ...
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Il y a 5 jours · In The Age of Adaline, we follow the remarkable life of Adaline Bowman (played by the ever-enigmatic Blake Lively). Due to a freak accident involving lightning and a magical car crash, Adaline finds herself stuck in her 29-year-old appearance for nearly eight decades.
Il y a 5 jours · Whether it be Reynolds filming extended love sequences in Deadpool or Blake Lively in romantic films such The Age of Adaline, both actors have had to share many an on-screen kiss with others. Lively has opened up in the past about how she feels watching her husband’s racy Deadpool extended sex scene from the first film, and it’s fair to say she’s not the biggest fan.
Il y a 1 jour · Virginia Woolf. Adeline Virginia Woolf (/ wʊlf /; [2] née Stephen; 25 January 1882 – 28 March 1941) was an English writer. She is considered one of the most important modernist 20th-century authors. She pioneered the use of stream of consciousness as a narrative device.